Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Service-Oriented Architecture Definition

Agree there are zillion definitions of what SOA is. For some its a technology, product for some, for many its just Web Services and for many more its SO AH !! So here is my definition of a SOA.

“Service-Oriented Architecture is an architecture paradigm or approach to building coarse grained, loosely coupled and reusable services, which perform a well defined business functionality and provides well defined interfaces for invocation by external entities”

I get cannot get simpler than this. So the term services itself warrants a seperate post and what it actually means. But let me take a stab at it. To me a service is a coarse grained function that a provider has built and performs a well defined business operation (eg: Weather Forecast, Car VIN Check etc). This service is consumed or used by a consumer and finally there is a contract using which the service is formally defined by the provider and there also exists a binding SLA between the provider and consumer.


Most Over Used Terms in IT

OK granted that I’m in the information technology industry I use and listen to terms which sometimes gets on my nerves. I would think to myself, “dude which magazine did you read that from or which stupid empty vessel consultant preached it”. Here is my top-5 list,

  • Agility
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Services
  • Framework
  • SOA


My First Ever Blog Entry

Well yet another blog site eh?! I know and realize very well that in the web of ginormous blogs, pages, articles, I'm yet another proton. I used to be so fond of writing and those were the days when I would write pages of synopsis on Shakespeare's Julius Caesar or the causes for WW-II. Countless bottles of Camel ink and Reynolds refills have been the testaments of my once fond hobby. Somehow the luxuries of the keyboard has not only made me write lesser and less, but has also shut me off an avenue to share my ramblings. Trust me some are very opinionated and some very valid. Well that's what a blog is supposed to be right. So how different will be from the other blog'thers. Simple and straight to the point. Though I would like to restrict my blog entries to 100 words or less, some topics warrant definitely more. So here I come …

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

–From As You Like It (II, vii, 139-143)
